Democrats & Their Fake News Care About Gun Violence That They Think Helps Them Politically But Not About Violence By ILLEGAL ALIENS

1 year ago

Notice the corporate, liberal, and public media, and democrat politicians only care about kids and Americans when they get shot by white people who are not trans. The mainstream media in the USA does not investigate and report black and brown gun violence in democrat run cities that are filled with people who came to the USA ILLEGALLY.  And if they do report, they don't make a big deal, excuse it, blame guns, and or hide the shooter's immigration status. Instead, they like to call the illegal alien criminals, teens and youths.

One weekend in 2021, Chicago had 104 people shot, 19 of them killed. 13 kids were among the wounded.  The corporate, liberal and public media didn't bother reporting or making a big deal of  this news. According to the Chicago Tribune, Between Jan. 1, 2021, and Jan. 10, 2022 At Least 276 Kids 16 And Younger were shot in Chicago. In 2022, Chicago had 695 homicides. Most of the homicide victims in Chicago died as the result of gunshot wounds. Also, Chicago’s homicide victims in 2022 were mostly young, black and male.

Most of the people who are shooting people in BIG DEMOCRAT RUN CITIES did NOT come to the USA LEGALLY, nor did their parents. Instead, they are trafficked and smuggled by the democrat party of slavery. That's why black and brown communities have so much gun violence and crime  in the BIG democrat run cities that they live. Because democrats traffic and smuggle the world's criminals and crazies to America constantly.

Do you ever see anyone in the corporate, liberal, or public media investigate black on black gun violence in big democrat run cities?

Have you ever heard democrats and their fake news investigate and report on kids and Americans who get shot, killed, raped, robbed, or hurt by people who came to the USA illegally and are in the USA illegally?! They never even question, did that shooter come to the USA legally?

Why don't they investigate and report black on black crime in big cities that have been run by democrats for decades like they do gun violence by white people? It's because our media is controlled by the democrat party of slavery, the US intelligence agencies, and their puppet masters who are a bunch of criminals themselves.

I have NEVER once seen a democrat politician or anyone on the corporate, liberal or public media talk about or get upset when kids and Americans get raped, murdered, or harmed by ILLEGAL ALIENS, which happens every day and in every state. They don't even report it.  Our lying and cheating media pretends it's not happening.  Because Democrats and their Anti-American supporters want everyone to think that illegal immigrants and illegal migrants in the USA commit no crimes, when the opposite is true. They say, they are just here doing the jobs Americans don't want to.  But that's a left wing lie. They are doing our jobs.

ILLEGAL immigrants in the USA are why so many Americans are on welfare. All foreigners come to the USA for money, and free everything democrats will give them in exchange for their votes.

Democrats don't even vet the foreigners they bring to the USA. But Americans, of every race, didn't vote for more immigration. We voted for secure borders and our national security. We voted to put our kids and our country's national security and well-being first. Yet democrats stole the 2020 elections from US then import nonstop millions of lawless foreigners ILLEGALLY, and against the will of the people, then send them all over the USA to help the democrat party of slavery rig and cheat elections.

That is why crime is rampant and getting worse in all states, especially in democrat run cities and states. Yet Americans are ignorant about it because the corporate, liberal, and public media doesn’t report crime by foreigners that the democrat party of slavery traffics and smuggles 24/7, 365 days a year.

The corporate, liberal, and public media literally helps the democrat party traffic the world to US even though it gets Americans killed, raped, molested, robbed and much more every day and in every state.

Each year, I see local news of at least one infant or toddler being raped to death by someone in the USA ILLEGALLY. But the Big Media NEVER reports it.  Don't you think it should be HUGE news that someone in the USA ILLEGALLY raped a baby to death?

Gun violence and crime in the USA is on the rise because of people who come to the USA ILLEGALLY.  And Illegitimate Joe and his democrat party of slavery's immigration policies are DIRECTLY responsible for it. The democrat party's open borders are the reason that Americans get killed, raped, molested, robbed and much more horrible crime every day, nationwide.

Illegitimate China Joe reversed all of Donald Trump's policies at the border which made the US much safer. One of the first things illegitimate and criminal Joe did was stop building a wall that would have saved countless Americans' and foreigners' lives.

Biden and his democrat party of slavery put a political “refugee” from Cuba in charge of our national security. He is the first Latino and immigrant confirmed to serve as Secretary of Homeland Security. But he is not protecting America. Because just like illegitimate Joe, Alejandro Mayorkas is foreign controlled and a treasonous traitor. His border policies get Americans killed, raped, molested, robbed and more constantly. But the democrats and their media REFUSE to talk about that.

You’ll never see Andrea Mitchell or Mika put on a sad face about all the Americans, foreigners, and kids who get shot, killed, raped, and robbed because of the democrat party of slavery and the lawless foreigners they smuggle and traffic.

Crime by people who come to the USA ILLEGALLY.....and the corporate, liberal, and public media's refusal to honestly report it is one of the most obvious examples that they are fake news. Just the like the democrat party of slavery, our media does NOT care if Americans get murdered and raped by people in the USA ILLEGALLY.

Next, I am going to read recent headlines from the New Media about crimes committed by the lawless foreigners that the democrat party smuggles to America ILLEGALLY. All of the headlines below are recent, from a few days ago up to about one year ago. But the corporate, liberal, and public media ignored them all.

Illegitimate Joe Cuts Deportations Of Illegal Aliens By More Than 90% In U.S. Towns

Biden Welcomes AT LEAST Five Million Illegal Aliens To U.S., Exceeding Populations Of 28 States.

But I guarantee you it's more. Not to mention, the ILLEGALS are trained by the democrat party of slavery on how to abuse our system and take advantage of our laws so they get pregnant and pop out babies as soon as they get here. Their healthcare is paid for by US. But these people have their own countries. It's 2023 for god's sake.

More Than 1.2M Fugitive Illegal Aliens Remain Living Across U.S. Despite Having Final Deportation Orders

Biden Border Crisis Bringing Invasion Of Gang Members And 'Cartel Affiliates'

A Former ICE Director said Mayorkas ‘Opened The Door’ To Pedophiles, Child Pornography, and Forced Labor

A Whistleblower Said the Biden Administration Trafficking Up To 40,000 Children Per Month From Border

Former White House Adviser Says Biden Admin Is Running The 'Epicenter' Of Child Trafficking

One Border County Has 377% Surge In Human Smuggling, 610% Increase In Fentanyl Under Biden

Joe Biden said: Mass immigration and changing demographics is making America ‘So Much Better'

But listen to the headlines I read next  and tell me how is this making America better.

Did you hear anyone in the media talk about these headlines?

Family Of Five Brutally Murdered By Drug Cartel Fugitive In Texas

Biden Helps Illegal Alien, Accused Of Killing Teen Girl, Evade Deportation.... This teen girl was black by the way.

Why doesn't her life matter to the democrats and black lives matter?! It's because the democrat party of slavery and black lives matter don't really care about black lives! Because if they did they would stop all human smuggling, child trafficking, and secure our borders! They would also help black people in their own countries!


Illegal MS-13 Gang Member, Accused Of Murdering Kayla Hamilton Was Freed Into U.S. By Biden’s DHS

Illegal Rapes 8-Year-Old, Then Forces Girl To Clean Her Blood From His Vehicle

‘Human Smuggler’ Kills 7-Year-Old Girl, Her Grandmother, 2 Others In Texas Horror Crash

Biden’s DHS Released Illegal Alien Into U.S. Who Is Now

Female Border Patrol Agent Has Nose Broken By Illegal Alien  Migrant

 Massive Group Of Military-Age Males Storm Port Of Entry In El Paso In Effort To Get Into US

Migrant Posing As Minor Who Killed Father Of Four That Took Him In, Gets 60 Years In Prison

Illegal Alien Gets 10 Years In Prison After 2-Year-Old Son Found Dead In Dumpster

Police Vehicle Hit By Unlicensed Driver While Police Were Investigating Incident By A Different Unlicensed Driver

By unlicensed, they mean illegal alien drivers.

2-Yr-Old Abandoned Boy Found By TX State Police On Border By Himself With One Toy And Disturbing Note Inside His Backpack

Illegal Alien Gets 25 Years In Prison For Sexually Abusing 10-Year-Old Girl

 Previously Deported Illegal Alien Reenters U.S. After Sexually Assaulting Girl

 HHS Whistleblower Says Biden Government Complicit With Child Trafficking At Southern Border

Illegal Alien Charged With Sexually Abusing 14-Year-Old Disabled Child

Illegal Alien Charged With Raping 10-Year-Old Girl Who Traveled For Abortion

Illegal Alien Suspect In Kidnapping Of 12-Year-Old Girl Also Faces Capital Murder Charges

Suspect In High-Profile Murder Of NY Mom Was In The Country Illegally

Illegal Alien Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Girl Under 12

Nine-Time Deported Illegal Alien Charged With Molesting 9-Year-Old Girl

Illegal Alien Gets Up To 19 Years In Prison For Strangling Massachusetts School Teacher To Death

Six-Time Deported Illegal Alien Guilty Of Triple Murder

Ex-Uber Driver Who Murdered Eight People In NYC Was In The U.S. On A Diversity Visa

Migrants Try To Smash Their Way Into Texas Ranch House

Illegal Alien Accused Of Scamming Palm Beach Residents Out Of $80K By Claiming To Have A Sick Child

Illegal Aliens Linked To South American Theft Ring Accused Of Burglarizing Alabama Jewelry Store

Three-Time Deported Illegal Alien Arrested Again For Slew Of Crimes, Including 21 Sexual Assaults

Afghan Man, Brought To U.S. By Biden, Accused Of Sexually Assaulting 12-Year-Old Boy

Illegal Alien Charged With Murdering Girlfriend, Two Of Her Children, Mother And Daughter Who Lived Next Door

Man Beats Woman For Wearing American Flag Shirt

Illegal Aliens Arrested & Released For Allegedly Stealing $12.5K From Macy’s

Honduran Migrants Kill, Try To Eat Bald Eagle

Illegal Alien Charged With Killing Father Of Two In Texas Hit-And-Run

Las Vegas Stabbing Suspect In US Illegally

With Criminal Record In California,

Man Who Beheaded Mother In Front Of Neighbors Is An Illegal Immigrant With Expired Visa

Ukrainian With Long Criminal Record That Killed 7 Bikers While High On A Mixture Of Drugs Found Not Guilty

Illegal Alien Charged With Murdering 76-Year-Old Man Outside His Home

Illegal Alien Gets 25 Years In Prison After Stabbing Queens Woman 55 Times, Stuffing Her In Duffel Bag

How many more Americans and foreigners have to be hurt and killed before democrats secure the border?

Even I got pushed in the street and mugged by an illegal alien for god's sake!

Biden’s Migrants Are also Displacing Americans From Homeless Shelters while Biden’s State Department Teams Up With Multinational Corporations To Funnel Refugees Into American Jobs

Under China Joe we have 1.9M Fewer Americans Working while 2M Foreign Workers are Funneled Into US Jobs

Those are just some of the headlines of ILLEGALS hurting Americans. It happens every single day and in every single state. People who come to the USA ILLEGALLY commit horrible crimes against Americans, constantly. But most of the US  media will NOT report it.

Have you ever once seen a headline in the corporate, liberal, or public media that reads: ILLEGAL ALIEN Rapes & Murders American woman?!    ....NEVER.

Have you ever heard a democrat politician or someone in the fake news say, if it could just save one child's life, we need to close the US borders? Of course NOT!

Because preventing Americans and their kids  from getting raped and murdered, and stopping foreigners from being trafficked to the USA, doesn't help democrats win elections or further their Anti-American, Globalist Agenda.

The democrat party  is the party of slavery. But you wouldn't know if from our media or public education system.

The democrat party is the world's number one child trafficker and human smuggler. And they always have been. They are a domestic and international terrorist group. That is why crime and gun violence is so high in the USA and is on the rise nationwide. Yet the corporate, liberal and public media ignores and denies it….  just like they do election fraud.

They are obviously fake news.

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